Thank you so much to everyone for making an exciting, learning-filled weekend of bass! Hopefully everyone made it home safe, and has had some time to review their favorite learning experience of the weekend. Congrats to everyone who participated.
Thanks to all of the folks who have documented this conference through video and photo – it is fun to have a documentation of this great weekend! A friendly reminder – Please ask permission from the performers who you may post videos or pictures of on the internet. We’d like to give proper credit where credit is due, including composers and performers. A side note – not all students or parents have signed photo release forms, and therefore may not want their name or pictures posted. If you have a great photo or video that you’d like to share, please contact the foundation through email and we can post it on our youtube channel, Facebook or website after asking the people involved.
Another way families have shared their young bassist’s participation in the program is through their local papers- families have sent in press releases to local news outlets included with a picture for publication. Here is a template document to get you started! (don’t forget to send us a copy if they make it to the paper!)
Press Releases and Program Documents:
Want to share this experience with your local community? Press releases for local newspapers are available by CLICKING HERE.
Didn’t get a program, or would like to send one to a friend who couldn’t attend? Programs from FRIDAY CONCERT & SATURDAY CONCERT. Programs from the Student recitals, Friday and Saturday also available (2015 Student Recital).