Ever wonder what it is that students actually do at the Richard Davis Foundation bass conference?
Wonder no more – below is an example of a schedule a young bassist might receive. All students have customized schedules, carefully laid out by an expert clinician who has been working with young bassists for over 30 years.
Students are placed into warm up classes, bass orchestra parts, and their quartet/trio/quintet with others who are around the similar age and playing level -based on the information that students provide in their registration forms.
Independent of the aforementioned placement factors, students maintain a high level of freedom in their schedule, to choose to attend sessions which interest them, whether that is playing or watching masterclasses/recitals, choosing which special topic class they’d like to go to, or what flex time option they’d like to participate in.
Although core curriculum stays the same basically from year to year, new classes, teachers, music, and class themes are brought fourth every year. Students who attend years in a row are guaranteed a different experience every time. As students grow in their abilities and their interests change or mature, they will always find something new to take home with them.
Click link below to see an example of a student schedule: