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RDYB Celebrates 25 Years

As Professor of Bass, Ricard Davis saw, first-hand, how young bassists were arriving at their college auditions less prepared, less advanced, and not competitive for scholarships, than their upper string peers. In 1993, Richard Davis set out on a mission…

2017 Conference Recap

Sometimes students and their parents submit information about their participation into their local town newspaper. This letter has been used as a start for families who are interested in sharing the exciting news about their young bassist’s participation in the…

RDYB’s First Ever Teacher Education Class

Calling all teachers interested in learning more about the bass ! The Richard Davis Foundation for Young Bassists Inc. is hosting for the first time ever an opportunity for educators to earn graduate credit by attending the annual bass conference.…

Worry no more!

Over the past few months, since Richard Davis, founder of the Richard Davis Foundation for Young Bassists Inc., announced his retirement from the University of Wisconsin School of Music in May 2016, I have steadily been getting nervously inquisitive emails…

2016 Conference Registration Deadline Extended

If you are still thinking about registering for the 23rd annual Richard Davis Foundation Bass conference, it’s not too late! The posted deadline of March 1, 2016 for conference enrollment has been extended to March 15. There are still recital spots available,…

2016 Featured Alumni

This year Robin Kesselman will be featured as a distinguished alumni for the Richard Davis Foundation’s 23rd annual bass conference! We are very pleased that he can make it back after graduating college and moving on into the professional world of…

Example Schedule

Ever wonder what it is that students actually do at the Richard Davis Foundation bass conference? Wonder no more – below is an example of a schedule a young bassist might receive. All students have customized schedules, carefully laid out by an…

RDYB at WMEA Conference

On October 30, 2015 RDYB presented at the WMEA (Wisconsin Music Educators Association) Conference hosted by WSMA (Wisconsin School Music Association) as a guest of Ben Ferris’s panel on teaching the bass. The distinguished panel, including Ben Ferris, Carl Davick,…

2015 Conference Wrap-Up

Thank you so much to everyone for making an exciting, learning-filled weekend of bass! Hopefully everyone made it home safe, and has had some time to review their favorite learning experience of the weekend. Congrats to everyone who participated. Thanks…

Tine Asmundsen – 2015 Bass Conference Clinicians

  Tine Asmundsen, who also attended the Richard Davis Foundation’s Bass Conference as a clinician in 2012, will be flying in from Norway this April to teach at the conference again!   Graduated from Østlandets Music Conservatory and the University…

Jackie Pickett – 2015 Clinician

Dr. Jacqueline Pickett will be on the Richard Davis Foundation’s clinician faculty for the 2015 conference. She has worked with the conference for 6 years before, from 1997-2002, and is an alumni of the University of Wisconsin. She is currently…

2015 Registration Now Open!

Hello RDYB friends! Registration for the 2015 conference is now open and ready to go. Print out and mail in registration form (new look) is available online Click here to download mail-in form (PDF). For the second year in a row,…

2014 Bass Conference Evening Concerts

The Richard Davis Foundation for Young Bassists annual conference supports two evening concerts after an invigorating day of classes. Saturday’s concert features the clinicians and foundation alumni, and Friday is an all conference mega bass orchestra. Every year after leaving…

RDYB @ Madison Soup

RDYB has been given the opportunity to present a ‘project idea’ at the Madison Soup this Sunday, March 16, 2014. This is the first of many scholarship fundraisers yet to come this year. Come support the foundation and scholarships for…